Mums and Siblings

While HYHD targets the relationship between a dad and his children and the importance of one-on-one time together; we definitely do not discount the importance of the rest of the family!

Dads are encouraged to share and implement knowledge from education sessions with their partners and take a more active role in establishing improved physical activity and nutrition behaviours for the family as a whole.

HYHD is most effective if the whole family is on side, promoting a culture of health and wellness, and this is where Mums (or partners) and siblings come in. All family members are encouraged to read through the HYHD program resources and speak with both dads and youngsters to further understand what they are learning in HYHD sessions each week and how to best support dads and youngsters in their home tasks. Dads and Youngsters are also welcome share their fun home task activities with other members of the family.


We are looking for dads and their youngsters

Are you a dad who wants to spend quality time with your child participating in fun physical activities, whilst learning how to improve their sport skills, health and wellbeing…along with your own?

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